Recycled Pencil Holder

2oz Green Paint
2oz Black Paint
Recycled large vegetable can
Two large wiggly eyes
Two red milk jug lids with rim
Three soda can tabs
Hot glue gun
3/4" flat brush
Wash can and let dry. Basecoat the can with green paint and allow to dry. Glue the wiggle eyes inside the milk jug lids and then glue onto the can. Refer to photo for placement. Squeeze the red plastic rim from the milk carton into the shape of a mouth and glue into place. Paint the inside of mouth black paint. Glue soda can tabs for ears and nose.
Bottle Barbie Boat

2 Plastic bottles
Rubber bands
Colored plastic tape
Craft knife
Remove the labels from the plastic bottles. Clamp the bottles together temporarily with the rubber bands, then wrap them with colored tape, as shown. Remove the rubber bands, then, with a craft knife (a parent's job), cut the oval seat openings.
Recycled Crayons

Wax crayons
Aluminum foil
Cookie cutters
A paper plate
and a very hot sunny spot.
Start by peeling and breaking your crayons into small pieces. I left some chunky bits because it was well over 100 and figured it would be fine, if the day was cooler I’d used shavings to melt faster. Cover the plate in aluminum foil. Place the plate with the cookie cutters in a sunny spot and add the broken crayons. Let the sun do the rest. Depending on the temperature outside this could take a hour or more. Let cool inside, then pop out of the cookie cutters.