Right now at Woodchuck's Fine Furniture of Jacksonville all our Halloween decor is 30% OFF. My personal FAV...the black cat candy dishes. Stop by and see us soon! And, stay connected with us on Facebook!! If you're feeling crafty here's a great idea!
With this nonperishable alternative to your classic jack-o'-lantern, you can assemble a whole lineup of party pumpkins in short order, no carving knife required.
Terra-cotta pots
Yellow craft paper
Mod-Podge Outdoor
Short, fat sticks

For each one, invert a terra-cotta pot. Cut eyes, a nose, and a toothy grin out of yellow craft paper. Brush Mod-Podge Outdoor on the surface of the pot where you want the features to go and press them in place.
To weatherproof your creation, apply a final coat to the entire pot. Finally, insert a short, fat stick into the hole for a stem.