Over a year ago, Woodchuck’s Fine Furniture brought in a Social Media friend located here in Jacksonville, Florida to help us out with Facebook. It has been a lot of fun watching the growth of our Facebook business page and we have thoroughly enjoyed seeing our seasoned customers and new customers engage with us in the land of Facebook.
Since a lot of our customers are using Facebook, we wanted to share a little insight into the somewhat new feature that Facebook has recently released, the Timeline. We hope this helps you understand a little more about the new

The timeline is similar to a scrapbook. It’s a chronological list of events, photos and memories meant for you to share with your closest friends and family. We’ve heard that some are not happy with displaying things from the past; however, in Facebook’s defense, that information has been there. Depending on your privacy settings, your friends and family have been able to scroll through and see the old information. The ability to see it is nothing new; however, the ease of changing the privacy settings for the timeline has improved greatly. Take time to learn these settings to help you and your family with who can access your private life.
At this time, the Timeline is meant for your personal page, not business pages, so for now, you will be able to easily identify a business page from a personal page. You can personalize your Timeline with a cover picture (the cover page privacy setting can be customized as well). Add important events to your life within your timeline. A working mom recently said that she was delighted to see the change because when she started working, she stopped scrapbooking. Now Facebook has given her a very neat way to easily share her marriage, the birth of her children, even her first home purchase. That’s the upside of what the Facebook Timeline feature brings to your table.
We’ve put together some interesting and notable changes:
- Boxes - Items will be grouped together in their own box. For example, when a user ‘Likes’ something, it will feed into a box in an order based on first to last click. This group will be by month order and then by year order.
- Order - Comments, pictures and posts that receive more likes, clicks and/or comments will be more obviously displayed. The posts and items that don’t receive as much attention will be minimized in the users life (that kind of sounds sad) in a box further down the page.
- Visibility - You can hide or remove events, pictures, posts, likes, or comments from your Facebook wall without permanently deleting this from your personal scrapbook ☺
- Subscribe - If there is someone in the business community you would like to receive updates from but it seems awkward to send a friend request, use subscribe. And when they release public updates, receive the information in your feed.
- Teachers can allow their students/parents to follow their public updates about school and classes without actually ‘friending’ them since friending, allows access to personal information. This will allow updates to friends about their lives without worrying what might pop up in their teachers’ (or vice versa) News Feeds.
- For parents, this feature may work the other way around. It will allow you to subscribe to your son or daughters college friends instead of sending them a friend request… sometimes that leaves all parties feeling a little uncomfortable.
- Minors are not able to have subscribers; however, minors are able to get public updates from adults who have allowed subscribers. MONITOR YOUR MINORS FACEBOOK PAGE AND KNOW WHOM THEY HAVE SUBSCRIBED TO.
- Occasional Facebookers who only use FB to keep up with friends, family and post photos, pay attention: You never have to see your bff’s Mafia War or Farmville updates again; however, if you’d like, you can subscribe to her photos, videos and status updates

Important Take Away:
- Learn your privacy settings and get them set up to decrease any angst you have about the new timeline.
- Enjoy updating the timeline as if it’s something your family will enjoy
- If you’re a business professional, don’t feel obligated to accept friend requests from those that are business or otherwise. They have the ability to subscribe.
- And if you are a business professional that people like to follow, post important public updates. Knowledge is power, share yours ☺
- Take advantage of the features the Facebook Timeline offers