Clean & De-Clutter
The cheapest and most simple way to create an inviting and calm environment for your guests is to clean your house and get rid of clutter. Scrubbing the tub, getting rid of that pile of old mail and putting away the laundry doesn’t cost you anything extra, plus tidying up for your guests is a fantastic excuse to bring order to your home and reclaim your space for yourself!
Change the Sheets
Unidentifiable stains on sheets are NOT ok! And of course, sheet sets can get very expensive – or the cheap ones feel like sandpaper. Our solution? Tee shirt sheets! They feel luxurious and cost the same or less than cheap, crappy sheets. Buy a set in white – we found twin sets at Target for only $10 or so.

Invest in White Towels
No, your old, raggedy towels are NOT okay either – that’s just gross! However, before you go out and buy an entire set of new towels, we recommend trying to bleach your old ones first. If the the bleach doesn’t do the trick, then it’s time to invest a little money in a new set of towels. But keep in mind- DO NOT use your guests as an excuse to buy luxury Turkish bath towels when you can’t afford to. By making a trip to your local linen outlet, you’ll be able to find (and feel) a nice but affordable 6 piece set for under $20-30. *Be sure to buy white towels only. This way, you’ll be able to bleach them after each house guest!
Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet
This next prep step won’t cost you a dime…. Clean all the gross stuff out of your medicine cabinet! Many of us will be sharing a bathroom with our treasured guests, and the last thing they need to see is your anti-fungal cream or anti-psychotic meds staring them in the face in the morning.
We hope you all enjoy the holiday season. Stop by the store and see all we have to offer. We are located at: 12575 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32223. Also "LIKE" us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/woodchucks