The Flexsteel Authorized Sale is one of the biggest sales of the year and it's going on now at Woodchuck's Furniture in Jacksonville, Florida!

Save on EVERYTHING Flexsteel and choose from the fabulous in-store selections, or customize your seating with your favorite color, fabric or leather. If you're looking for quality furniture designed to last (and Flexsteel is) visit us! This factory authorized sale includes all fabrics & leather, stationary & motion furniture! Save on EVERYTHING during the Flexsteel Factory Authorized Sale at Woodchuck's Fine Furniture and decor in Jacksonville. Located just north of the 295 between Mandarin and Julington Creek.
...Why Flexsteel?
Flexsteel Furniture has been in the busine
ss making furniture as far back to the late 1800's. Their history and their commitment to quality has made their brand one of the leading brands in the market. Over the years, Flexsteel has taken "the best of the best" and designed unique luxury seatting and sleeping furniture. Click on this Flexsteel website link to read more about the history of the company and why they are one of the leading luxury sofa manufacturers in the USA.